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Weekly Update & Day Trading For a Living Video Series!

Normally I do a Weekly Video Update that illustrates the trades we make during the week. However instead, I am going to show a 4 part video series titled Day Trading For a Living.

These videos were recorded this previous week, on a real trading account. My goal of these videos are to demonstrate not only day trading my Emini system, but also showing how you can plausibly target 2+ points per day.

One of the most important things about trading is that you MUST be able to recover. It’s kind of like an airline pilot- there is one thing he must always do when he is up in the air.

What’s that? Simple: LAND!!!

Some people say that day trading is risky and it’s gambling. Well they are correct to a certain degree. If you do not have a proven set of rules and you simply take trades to take them, or you chase, you pretty much are gambling. If you have a good Emini system with rules to follow, and you follow them, not only is it NOT gambling but it’s a very lucrative business!

What about the risk part? Is Emini trading risky? Of course it is! All trading and all investing is risky. Ask your mutual fund manager if he guarantees he will win on every trade. Ask anyone last year how their funds were doing.

The point is everyone takes losing trades! Day traders seem to take them more often and that’s because we trade intraday. In other words, we are in cash every single day.

Because we MUST take losing trades, we MUST be able to recover, just like the airline pilot must LAND 🙂

A lot of trading systems are out there to be purchased. I am sure some are good, and some not so good. You have to make the choice on what day trading school, or Emini concepts to trade with. Do your due-diligence.

This is why we do all the live trading videos! We are constantly asked for trading statements and proof that are day trading system works. In fact our last webinar, we showed our trading statements.

However, a live trading account being traded and recorded – well how do you beat that? I don’t think you can.

In any event. Past results mean ZERO. Our live trading videos are worthless if YOU the trader cannot follow RULES. If a trader is emotional or easily discouraged or frustrated, he or she WILL make mistakes that will cost them money.

Why am I saying all of this? Well, a lot of people believe that if they can just see trading statements or if they can see it work in real time – than they can be successful traders!

So we showed the statements in the webinar and we’re showing live videos. We do our part to show you that our trading system works. You, however must not forget the most important part of the equation and that is NOT will they system work, but can YOU make it work for you.

I’ve been day trading the Eminis for years and I love it. I love training my students and they love the support we give them. I think day trading is the best business in the world.

Anyone who is visiting this blog is more than likely interested in trading or possibly traded before. Maybe you are looking for a better trading system. I don’t know. What I do know is that if you can take emotions out of your trading, and you can follow a set of day trading rules – you can be a successful trader.

Enough rambling and on to the video series.

Before I give a quick presentation of the video, let me start by saying that before I recorded this video I already had my “one and done”. I then go to my secondary trading account and start recording.

I had actually hoped (I think I mention it in the video) that the trade would lose. Clearly I must be out of my mind, right? NO. I am not. I want to show losing trades so I can show you recovery trades.

It doesn’t matter what trading system you trade. If you can’t recover from losses you won’t make it. So find a good system, or develop a good set of rules and stick with it!

OK – Part 1 of the video– as I stated I was already done for the day but I don’t count it. In this video I am simply taking a Normal System Entry (NSE) and it wins. I could stop with the one and done, but I am determined to take a losing trade.

Enjoy the video and we’ll see you tomorrow for part 2 of the Day Trading For a Living video series!



This entry was posted on Friday, March 26th, 2010 at 5:34 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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« Day Trading the Emini Markets Like a Business!
Day Trading For a Living Part 2 of 4 »

