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Futures Trading School / Learning to day trade the eminis

I was curious how much training was available via the internet for daytrading futures. Wow, was I suprised. If you do a google search for “daytrading school” you will get over a MILLION results!  I am a veteran trader who has been in the trading “game” for a long time. After years of success I’ve decided to share my methods with the public and going online seemed like the way to advertise.

As I said, I was curious to see what other trading materials were available for one to learn daytrading. I had absolutely no idea I would find so many websites dedicated to educating daytraders.

I can see where an individual could easily get lost in the maze of Learn – To – Daytrade websites. How does one choose who to purchase trading education from? Prudently you need to look at as many websites as you can to find the one that suits what you are looking for. The question that comes to my mind is: HOW? How do you sort thru all the information and find what is right for you? What do you look for ?

Personally the things I would be looking for are quality training and support. Especially if you are new to daytrading.  I feel you should be able to have close contact with the people who sell you a daytrading course. Not just email support. If you want to call and ask a question, it should not be an issue. Learning how to daytrade takes time, patience and a lot of discipline.  So quality support is a must!

I cant speak for the “competition”. I have no idea what they sell, how good their material is, nor how good their support is. Honestly, its not my business. It is YOUR business! You need to do your due-dilligence and ask questions!

In my Futures Trading Course, I stress discipline. I teach my students a set of rules to live by. The ones that commit to that will be very succesful daytrading. Those that do not, will end up aimlessly looking around for the next winning system. Dont fall into this, please.  I am committed to my students success. I give them private phone numbers and email addresses. I strongly encourage contact from my clients and allowing me to review your trades as well as discuss strategies and discipline.  I do this because I am a REAL daytrader. I make my living daytrading. I know what it takes to be a succesful daytrader.

If your interested in learning more, please read my Emini Day Trading Course.

Whatever you do, please: Make sure you “look” around and ask questions. A big one is: Do you trade your own methods? Even better: Do you trade at all? Make sure you buy from a trader who will give you support and good quality training. Get the facts and make a decision that suits you best!

Email me with any questions : info@eminitradingstrategies.com

Good Trading 🙂

David Marsh


This entry was posted on Friday, October 26th, 2007 at 9:04 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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