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Emini Trading Relaunch!! Auto Trading Software !!

I have a very special announcement.

 After 3 months of constant emails, we’ve decided to reopen the doors. I never thought this day would happen! – Read On!

We have made some significant changes in our trading system.

1) We have a new manual coming out in a few weeks. This manual still follows my basic rules and methods, but after several months of trial and error, we’ve added some new techniques and markets!  I know teach in the manual how to trade the Dow Minis, 30 Year Bonds, and of course, the S&P 500 Eminis!  I am already teaching some of the new techniques to existing students and they are having PHENOMENAL results!! Some earning 2 – 7 points A DAY!

 2) We have a live trading room!! We show the trades in real time and give market commentary!!

3) We now have AUTO TRADING SOFTWARE!! — This will actually do your trading for you!!!

4) We will be doing 2 to 3 classes a week where we will discuss the trades that we had and seen during the week. Of course we will still have the daily videos!

The Tick Trader Day Trading Course is better than ever! We are constantly improving and with the new techniques and the software, my students are looking forward to years and years of profitable trading!

What’s the catch????  IS there a catch ??   — YES there is !!

My official launch date is still unknown. I am aiming for the end of August. Once the re-launch is official, the price will increase!!

All existing students that purchase before the re-launch will get the new manual free of charge!!

If you are interested in coming a student, you can still purchase my course for the VERY low price of $1395. This comes with all the support and training you will ever need.

The software will be an extra charge. The Tick Trader Auto Trade Software is not necessary! I teach you how to trade and I teach you what to do and when to do it.  The software is a nice touch for those who have a harder time with discipline and really would rather the computer do it for them!

Please, feel free to emai me and ask any questions you have. If your interested in locking in at the low price, please let me know!

We will start updating our blog in the near future!!



This entry was posted on Sunday, July 20th, 2008 at 12:36 am and is filed under Announcements.
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