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Emini Trading and Nasdaq Emini Video!

I had a lot of emails over the Thanksgiving break regarding the NQ – Nasdaq Emini Markets. Do I trade them? Does your emini system work on the Nasdaq Eminis? Etc.. The answer is YES to all of the above.

I do not watch the NQ every day however. I do trade it occasionally from time to time, but I do have a lot of students that use our ETSProIndicatorV2 software for trading the Nasdaq Emini’s as well as our advanced students that use it for the Dow Emini and other markets as well.

Based on all of the emails I received, I pulled up a chart on yesterday and today to show you the emini trades! I used the same tick chart as I do with my Emini S&P charts and only enabled NSE Trades on my charts. Wow – great moving market the past couple days! I’ve done a few live emini trading videos on the NQ as well. They are somewhere on this blog 🙂

Ok we had the potential today for a one and done emini trade, but it really didn’t happen. I lost 6 ticks on a pullback trade, recovered 7 on the recovery NSE but had to jump out early for the report. I grabbed 4 ticks on a pullback and 3 more on a Normal System Entry.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s emini trading blog, the volatility and price action is really picking up. We keep toying with the 1180 levels and today’s open looked similar to yesterday’s. The markets are down basically across the board today. The overseas debt crisis is back in the spot light, the Bush Tax Cuts, and a host of other factors bringing up the volatility and producing some AWESOME trades. I love day trading with volatility. Sure, it’s quicker, but the oscillations are nice!

Well enjoy the video and the rest of your trading day!

Emini S&P and Nasdaq Emini Trades 11/30/2010


This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 at 5:55 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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