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Trading the Dow EMini (YM) on video

Yes, we have another post! So soon after the last one. I’m trying to catch up with my schedule of posts since, as I mentioned in my last entry, I am out of town.

In the video below we are trading the dow e-mini market. We’ve done a few of these in the recent past due all the requests and I will keep adding even more if people are interested in seeing how our trading concepts can be used to day trade other markets, such as the dow eminis!

Day trading systems that work are hard to come by – so be sure to watch the videos and get in touch if you have any questions about our trading concepts. You can also register for our webinar taking place this Thursday, Sept 17. Just get in touch with us via email.

Enjoy the video!


This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 at 5:47 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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« Day Trading webinar & results for 9/14, 9/15 to come
EMini day trading results for Sept 14-16, 2009 »

