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Trading Results 11/1 and 11/4

A very very slow morning. In fact we had only 1 NQ trade and only 1 ES trade which went onto win but unfortunately we were not filled. That was it in the first hour of trading. I came back in the afternoon for about a hour and still slow. I ended up with 1 NQ trade and 1 ES trade but both were winners as you will see below.

You know how I have been mentioning the 6E market and how if you have limited time to trade every morning this is what you want to learn? Well the 1st 2 trades once again were both winners…+$300.00 for the day.

Do you have limited time in the morning to trade? We receive a lot of emails with that being the case. I want to show you what the 6E market results are and only trading it in the first 60-90 minutes of open. Look at these numbers:

6E Monthly total’s for September & October: +$4975.00 Guys and Glas,  this is only taking the first 2 trades of the day so time is very limited spent each morning. This is only trading the 6E as you can see. It doesn’t include the ES, NQ or the CL that we will also teach you but you can see that the results are very impressive! The students that attend class will have the opportunity to learn and trade this market along with the CL, Es and NQ. Additionally, we are also giving you our PTS trader (Auto Trader Assistant) which we know it will change the way you trade.

The live class event is in Jacksonville Florida December 9th-12th, 2013 and there are only a couple seats available. The price is VERY reasonable and I am VERY confident in saying this class will help you immensely. On top of that Southwest flights are pretty low right now so may not be a bad idea to check that out and Let us know if you can attend!

Here are todays trades:

NQ 11-4

+4+6 BE = +50

+4+6+5 = +75

+125.00 Trading the NQ

ES 11-4

+4+6+BE = +125.00

+125.00 Trading the ES

Friday November 1st

We started off with a loser on the NQ followed by a couple winners. Came back in the afternoon but only had a couple trades. Still had a small profitable day and we will go and enjoy the weekend. On a side note, the 6E had 2 more winners 🙂

NQ 11-1

-12-12-12 = (-180.00)

+4 BE BE = +20

+4+6+8 = +90

+4 BE BE = +20

+4+6+9 = +95

+45.00 Trading the NQ

ES 11-1

+4+6+4 = +175.00

-4-4-4 = (-150)

+25.00 Trading the ES


This entry was posted on Monday, November 4th, 2013 at 7:22 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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