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This Weeks Trading Results!

Another profitable day trading the Power Trading System. We even had a couple losers in there but still hit goal within the half hour. We had a small losing day on the 6E with a very nice day trading the CL. I will post the trades below:

NQ 1-14
+4+6+9 = +95
-12-12-12 = (180)
+4+6+5 = +75
+4+6+6 = +80
+4+6+5 = +75
+4+6+5 = +75

+220.00 – Trading the NQ

ES 1-14
-4-4-4 = (150)
+4+2 be = +75

(75.00) Trading the ES

6E 1-14
+4+6+4 = +175
-6-6-6 = (225)

(50.00) Trading the 6E

CL 1-14
+10+14 = +240
+10+14 = +240

+480.00 Trading the Crude oil

Tuesday January 13th
3 NQ trades and 3 winners. We even had a small ES winner as well. I will post the trades below and we will be back tomorrow:

NQ 1-13
+6+7+7 = +100
+4 be be = +20
+4+6+4 = +70

+190.00 – Trading the NQ

ES 1-13
+4 be be = +50

+50.00 Trading the ES

6E 1-13
-6-6-6 = (225)
+4+6+4 = +175

(50.00) Trading the 6E

CL 1-13
-2-2 = (40)
+1+2 = +30

(10.00) Trading the Crude oil

Monday January 12th
5 minute day today! We needed only 1 trade on the ES that was good for a +4+6+12. If you were trading ONLY 3 contracts, you could have made $275.00 which is well over our daily goal. We like days like this 🙂 I will post the other markets below:

ES 1-12
+4+6+12 = +275.00

+275.00 Trading the ES

NQ 1-12
Hit daily goal trading the ES so no NQ trades were taken
Those using the NQ trader only, email me for these results

0.00 – Trading the NQ

6E 1-12
+4+6+6 = +200
-6-6-6 = (225)

(25.00) Trading the 6E

CL 1-12
-1-1 = (20)

(20.00) Trading the Crude oil

Friday January 9th
Not as quick as yesterday but still only had a 30 minute work day today. We had 3 NQ winners with 1 ES winner and loser. The ^E had a really nice day along with a winning CL day. You can see the trades below:

NQ 1-9
+4+6+8 = +90
+4+6+9 = +95
+4+6+4 = +70

+255.00 – Trading the NQ

ES 1-9
-4-4-4 = (150)
+4 be be = +50

(100.00) Trading the ES

6E 1-9
+4+6+6 = +200
+4+6 be = +125

+325.00 Trading the 6E

CL 1-9
+10+14 = +240
-3-3 = (60)

+180.00 Trading the Crude oil

Thursday January 8th
Well a nice 6 minute day today and only needed 2 trades. We had 1 winner on the ES and 1 nice winner on the NQ. Our goal is to make approximately 50.00 per contract per day trading the ES & NQ which we did today. Also on this blog we monitor only 3 contracts for a very feasible profit of 150.00 per day. If you want to trade 6, 9 or even 12 contracts you can do the math and see what you can make 🙂 I will post the trades below and we will see you tomorrow:

NQ 1-8
+4+6+10 = +100

+100.00 – Trading the NQ

ES 1-8
+4 be be = +50

+50.00 Trading the ES

6E 1-8
-6-6-6 = (225)
-6-6-6 = (225)

(450.00) Trading the 6E

CL 1-8
-22-22 = (440)

(440.00) Trading the Crude oil


This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 at 4:33 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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