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Nadaq and S&P Day Trading Results For March 13, 2013

We had a great trading day today! We finished a little late today, about 1 PM Eastern. We were only up $282.50 on 3 contracts, slightly under our goal, but considering yesterday’s stellar day, we were perfectly fine with enjoying the rest of our day after 1 PM.

It was a nice mild day down here in Florida. A perfect day they tell me to take up golf! I honestly don’t golf, but I think i’ll take it up soon! But if you were trading the ETS Power Trading System, at least you could have been golfing by 130 today !!

Ok, here were the trades:


+4 ticks, break even on the remaining contracts:  $ 20

+4+6+5 + $75

+4 B/E on the remaining contracts +20

+4+6+6 +80

ES Trades

+4 BE

-4-4-4 (-150)

+4+6+6 +187.50

I will say that sometimes I will take my 2nd contract out to +8 with an auto trail and had I done this I would have hit it, and exceeded my goal for the day. But again, we made great money in just a few short hours. Remember gang, this is just 3 little contracts and if you can trade and make $300 per day on 3 contracts, that is a GREAT living! If you’re blessed with a larger account, well, you can do the math!

Enjoy the evening everyone!


David Marsh


This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 13th, 2013 at 7:37 pm and is filed under Daily Trading.
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