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Emini Futures Day Trading Results – The Winning Streak moves on !

Our 10th straight one and done trading day! If you look at today’s chart you will see we had a short NSE (Normal System Entry) just after the opening bell. This was quick and not everyone was fast enough to catch the trade. To be entirely honest, I did not catch the trade as I was not 100 percent sure if it was valid based on one of our opening rules. Turned out I was wrong and I missed a nice winner. On the chart to the right you will see we had a long EET (Early Entry Technique) that was another good one and done trade!

To be fair, not all my students had one and done emini trades. Some students missed the first NSE (like me) and some do not trade EET setups as they are a bit more aggressive. You will see after the first short NSE we had a Pullback short trade – another winner, but some were unable to get filled. The only trade to take after that would be the long NSE – that was either a break even trade or a losing trade!

It basically went like this in the room:
Either one and done and stop
…..Or you lost 3 consecutive trades and were down in the neighborhood of 3 points! All this before the 10AM report. But between 10 and the 10:30 report we had a nice 2 point EET winner and a pullback winner. Just after the report we had 2 more winners.

So it ended up being a good day for all!!

That’s it for today!

Emini Futures Day Trading


This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 at 6:39 pm and is filed under Winning Streak Continues 6/15/2011.
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« Emini Trading: 2 more One and Done trading days!
Emini Trading Results June 16, 2011 »

